Package de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.marker

Displays visual representations of geo-spatial locations using Marker and MarkerManager.


Interface Summary
Marker Marker interface for all markers to be drawn on to maps.

Class Summary
AbstractMarker Abstract marker handling conversion of location to appropriate coordinate system, and handles basic marker functionality.
AbstractShapeMarker Abstract marker representing multiple locations and can be implemented as lines, polygons, or other shapes.
MarkerManager<E extends Marker> Manages markers of different types.
MultiMarker A MultiMarker enables handling of multiple, logically grouped markers.
SimpleLinesMarker Marker representing multiple locations as lines.
SimplePointMarker Marker representing a single location.
SimplePolygonMarker Marker representing multiple locations as polygon.

Package de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.marker Description

Displays visual representations of geo-spatial locations using Marker and MarkerManager. You can use the default SimplePointMarker, SimpleLineMarker, and SimplePolygonMarker, or create your own by extending AbstractMarker or one of its subclasses.