Visualizing the Ages of Portland, Oregon's Extant Buildings.
Secret Arts
Developed with Massive Pixel Environment, on one of the highest resolution tiled displays in the world.
Rob Turknett, Brandt Westing, Jason Baldridge, and Mike Speriosu. UT Austin
An animated visualization of Shanghai’s subway network.
Till Nagel and Benedikt Groß
A visual map showing when and where US viewers watched TED talks.
Alex Dean, TED
Visual exploration of urban mobility.
MIT Senseable City Labs
A tangible multitouch visualization to explore urban movement patterns, and to share engaging places with the help of a smartphone.
Pierre La Baume, Luis Grass, Christopher Pietsch, Gunnar Friedrich, David Ikuye
Discover patterns on how people feel in the world.
Daniel Palmér and Robin Rundkvist
Port of Unfolding to use on Android tablet for Google Fiber campaign
Occurent Arts and Wildlife
2nd place in International Challenge InnovaData
Xavi Gimenez
A tool for location based literary research.
Jan-Erik Stange and Sebastian Meier
Multitouch installation showing how Max Planck institutes collaborate.
Moritz Stefaner and Onformative
An interactive multitouch visualization of relations between geo-positioned locations.
Till Nagel
A tool for visual analysis of tax-free sales data at the Schiphol-Amsterdam airport
Jan Willem Tulp
How the world would be reshaped by a monumental rise or decline of the sea level.
Benedikt Groß
Tangible geo-visualization to explore architectural projects in Venice.
Interaction Design Lab, FH Potsdam
A physical platform for interactive data visualization on three-dimensional surfaces.
Jon Olav Eikenes